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Skerries Educate Together NS, Skerries, Co. Dublin
Weekly School Lottery update - no jackpot winner but the weekly spot-prize of €20 was won by Martina Halligan, congratulations! Thanks to everyone involved for your support.
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Board of Management

The board of management at Skerries Educate Together fulfils an extremely important function in the life of the school. They provide advice, support and guidance to ensuring the effective daily running of the school. The following are its’ current members:

  • David Carroll - Patron's nominee and Chairperson
  • Tony Murray - Patron's nominee and Treasurer
  • Paul McLaughlin - Parent representative
  • Karen Power - Parent representative
  • Blaithin Jones - Teacher representative
  • Sharon Lynch - Community representative
  • Brendan Ryan - Community representative
  • Conor D'Arcy - Principal and Secretary to the Board

The board operates in accordance with the Governance Manual for Primary Schools (2023-2027).


We want to thank the board sincerely for their time and commitment as a member of a board of management in an Educate Together school. All of us at Skerries Educate Together are deeply appreciative of the contribution made by you and all who provide important governance, oversight and support to our schools.

Educate Together is a movement founded on volunteerism, democracy and participation.

We grow and thrive thanks to the parents, teachers and all who volunteer their time to serve on our school boards, on our national Board, and across all our working groups and committees.

We are especially grateful to those of you who have been able to represent your school and contribute to the wider network of Educate Together schools. Educate Together is unique as a school patron in that our policies are shaped by our member schools. We really value the vibrant, thoughtful democratic debate that members bring to our meetings and to the various groups and committees that work throughout the year. This strength of commitment to the values of Educate Together - to always striving to improve education outcomes for children and young people, is what enables us to achieve real impact in education.