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Skerries Educate Together NS, Skerries, Co. Dublin
Weekly School Lottery update - no jackpot winner but the weekly spot-prize of €20 was won by Martina Halligan, congratulations! Thanks to everyone involved for your support.
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Learn Together Ethical Education Curriculum

Our new Learn Together ethical education programme has had a very positive welcome this year in Skerries ETNS. 

We have seen an adaption to our four Learn Together Curriculum Strands, which are now: 

  • An Ethical Approach to the Environment
  • Equality and Justice
  • Values and the Ethical Perspectives’
  • Belief Systems

Each week, through our Junior and Senior Assemblies, respectively, we have explored the Curriculum Strand of “Values and Ethical Perspectives” in further detail.  These assemblies have been based upon the Living Values programme which has proven to be resourceful, informative and appropriately child-centred. Peace, Love and Caring, Happiness, Respect, Honesty, Responsibility, Tolerance, Simplicity and Caring for the Earth and her Oceans are the themes which we have enjoyed learning about on a whole school level.

The new Learn Together curriculum is modelled on the United Nations (2015- 2030) ‘17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)’ which are striving to “end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity” by 2030. Thanks to the new curriculum our learning in Educate Together will make a contribution to achieving success with SDGs on a global level.

Aims of the new Learn Together curriculum enables pupils over the next eight years to:

  • Become self-aware, reflective individuals with a secure sense of belonging and identity.
  • Develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes that will facilitate them to live as ethical people who are empathetic, socially aware and committed to democratic principles and values, global citizenship, and equality.
  • Develop and use critical thinking skills that will facilitate them to critique their world and empower them to give reasoned explanations for their opinions, decisions and actions.
  • Recognise their role as active members of a democratic society with the potential to take action that will lead to positive change.
  • Recognise the impact of the climate crisis and their role as active members of a democratic society with the potential to take action that will lead to positive change.
  • Develop ethical principles in relation to human rights, equality and justice, and apply these principles to their daily lives.
  • Become familiar with the tenets and beliefs of the major religions and rational understandings of the world.
  • Relate this learning to their individual experience in the context of their local, national and global community.