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Skerries Educate Together NS, Skerries, Co. Dublin
Weekly School Lottery update - no jackpot winner but the weekly spot-prize of €20 was won by Martina Halligan, congratulations! Thanks to everyone involved for your support.
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School starts at 8.30am and finishes at 2.10pm for 1st to 6th class. The junior and senior infants go home at 1.10pm

No we don’t. The children, parents and staff held a vote in 2010 and we voted against introducing a uniform.

Yes, we do, just follow the link under ‘Policies’. All children are now provided with hot school lunches since November 2024.

Yes we have some great after school clubs. Check out the list of current clubs under ‘our school’.

As of April 2024 there are over 30 different nationalities in our school.

Yes, we teach the same subjects as all other primary schools except instead of ‘Religion’ our core ethical curriculum called ‘Learn Together’ is taught.

Learn Together is the subject that we teach instead of ‘Religion’. It is split into 4 sections or strands. Moral and spiritual, equality and justice, belief systems and ethics and the environment. Every year, as a school, we pay particular attention to particular themes and we publish this information for parents here on our website. Look under Learn together on the main menu to find out more.