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Skerries Educate Together NS, Skerries, Co. Dublin
Weekly School Lottery update - no jackpot winner but the weekly spot-prize of €20 was won by Martina Halligan, congratulations! Thanks to everyone involved for your support.
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Welcome From Skerries ETNS

This is an Educate Together School run in accordance with the Rules for Primary Schools of the Department of Education and Science. We aim to develop and nurture the abilities of all children who attend this school to their fullest potential. This statement has been created by a partnership of our Board of Management, Parents, Children, Teachers and other staff.

What a Child can expect;

  • A safe and caring place to come and learn
  • Support and opportunities to develop life skills that will help them to engage with further education and personal development throughout their lives
  • Lots of chances to take part in activities such as sports, music, art and drama
  • A place where all children are listened to and treated fairly and equally

What a Parent can expect;

  • Respect for the beliefs and culture of all children
  • A high standard of teaching with an ongoing focus on self- evaluation and development within the school
  • Good communication between school and home
  • An encouraging atmosphere for parents to become involved in the life of the school

What Teachers and other staff members can expect;

  • A well-equipped teaching environment
  • Respect and regard for teachers’ professional training and experience
  • Support and encouragement for ongoing training and professional development
  • An environment where teachers and other staff members collaborate effectively together

What our Patron can expect;

  • Respect and regard for all belief systems.
  • Boys and girls learning together.
  • Learning centered on children’s needs and talents.
  • Democratic input from all members of the school community
  • A school dedicated to producing well-educated and well-balanced graduates who are good ambassadors for the Educate Together Ethos.