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Skerries Educate Together NS, Skerries, Co. Dublin
Weekly School Lottery update - no jackpot winner but the weekly spot-prize of €20 was won by Martina Halligan, congratulations! Thanks to everyone involved for your support.
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School Community

Primary Level

At present there are 96 Educate Together primary schools in Ireland.  This number continues to grow every year. The growth in the Educate Together school network continues to be driven by parental demand. In addition to our established schools we have start-up groups in communities hoping to have Educate Together schools opened in their area.

Educate Together has over 40 years experience of providing a unique, inclusive and equality-based school ethos at primary level. The Educate Together model is founded on a legal commitment to parents, staff and children to run schools based on equality and respect.

Celebrating differences
Equality is at the heart of the Educate Together Model and is part of everything we do. Educate Together’s commitment to equality at school continues after enrolment. There is no faith formation / instruction in any religion during the school day. Pupils are free to be themselves and to explore all of their wonderful talents. They are exposed to different beliefs and perspectives in a respectful way that encourages critical thinking.

Gender equality
Educate Together has always recognised and celebrated the diverse nature of family. Our schools develop programmes to counter gender stereotyping in all its forms and are proactive in promoting an approach to learning that encourages and supports a wide range of talents among students irrespective of gender.

To locate your nearest Educate Together school or start-up group, visit:



In addition to opening and operating primary schools, Educate Together has campaigned successfully for a new model of second-level education.  There are now 21 Educate Together second-level schools in Ireland. 

Educate Together’s approach at second-level moves away from ‘teaching to the test’ and towards an emphasis on the learner. Students will develop skills in creative and critical thinking, communication, teamwork, research and leadership. Teachers in an Educate Together second-level school will use the best teaching and learning methods to make students’ learning active, relevant, challenging and enjoyable.

Our second-level schools provide a learning environment that equips students for the complex world of the twenty-first century. We emphasise the importance of developing lifelong learning skills that will enable students to reach their full potential while at the same time preparing them to become caring and active members of a culturally diverse society.

Active, engaging teaching and learning methods are used throughout Junior and Senior Cycle. As well as learning individual subjects, students study some subjects in groups, exploring how they relate to, and overlap with, each other. This enables students to develop research skills, group work skills, time management skills, digital literacy skills, presentation skills and more. Information and Communications Technology (ICT) is widely used as a tool for learning across all subject areas.

To learn more visit